Why women face more problems than men while reducing weight

Why women face more problems than men while reducing weight

weight loss for women: We all know how difficult it is to lose weight, but have you ever noticed that women face a lot of problems in losing weight as compared to men. But do you know the reason behind this? Actually, the metabolic rate of women is lower than that of men.

Apart from this, women use fewer calories for physical activity than men (Men Weight loss) and the remaining calories get stored in the body in the form of fat, due to which they face difficulty in losing weight. So let us tell you what is the reason behind this and why women face problems in losing weight?

Due to these reasons, women face difficulty in losing weight

Fat accumulation

Women have more body fat than men because women give birth to children and breastfeed, for which they need extra fat. Research has proved that despite men and women taking the same diet, women have difficulty in losing weight.

Menopause is a big reason

Women also have to go through menopause, during which the muscles and bones become weak, due to which the amount of fat in the body increases. In such a situation, many women have problems in losing weight after menopause.

hormonal fluctuations

There are hormonal changes in the body of women, due to which the amount of fat in the body also increases or decreases and this is the reason why women have problems in losing weight.

Decreased lean muscle mass

Men have more lean muscle power, due to which they are able to burn more calories. Whereas women have less lean muscle, due to which they may have trouble burning calories.

Emotional Eating

Many women start overeating when they are emotional or during their period cycle. Many women also overeat when they are stressed, due to which they may face problems in losing weight.

Hormonal level of men and women

The hormonal levels of men and women are different. A hormone called ghrelin is found in women. After a workout, the level of this hormone increases in women’s body, due to which women feel more hungry and start eating more.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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